Friday, January 15, 2010


Soooo, I know I recently updated my blog but I thought for those of you who DON'T have OR use Facebook, I'd better send you this update :)

Yup, Alyssa is going to be a BIG sister and I'm due mid July!!  We are VERY excited and Alyssa kisses my tummy all the time and says "Hi Baby" :)  She's going to make an excellent BIG sister! She's so crazy about babies already, I know she's going to be Mommy's big helper!! :) 

So there you have it.  It has been a little bit of a rough first trimester but, I'm starting to feel a little better.  Andy wants to find out what this baby is so we will find out on March 4th.  I think he's hoping for a boy since his Dad passed, plus his Dad's birthday was on July 15th and we are due around July 17th.   We're just  praying for another healthy and happy baby!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's been a long time!

Wow, May of 2008 is the last time I wrote - Amazing!  Amazing in a lot of ways.  Amazing how time flys, amazing that Alyssa is going to be 2 in one month! Amazing how she's saying so much and how smart she is already! 

She's so much fun!  Her favorite shows are Caillou, Elmo and she's starting now to get into the Disney Princesses!  Well, she's discovered Snow White thanks to the episode on "Full House".  She kept saying "Hug, hug" because she wanted to hug her so much.  I promised her one day she will.  I myself have never been to Disney World and cannot wait to go!  I think I'll be just as excited as she will!

She had a BLAST at Christmas!

Though she wasn't crazy about Santa, she loved him from a distance, and especially loved the Candy Canes he gave her! 

She had fun opening her gifts, especially her Kitchen Playset!

She has a blast pretending to cook things especially because the stove makes boiling sounds as well as frying sounds :)  She loves talking on the phone too while cooking. She's very good at multi-tasking :)  She really loves talking on the "real" phone to everyone who calls.  Her favorite is calling Aunt Maria as much as she can and keeping her on the phone for a good 15 minutes each conversation! Ha! 

She's at the stage of repeating everything she hears so, we get a kick out of some of the things she repeats, like how one time when we were driving in the car and Andy hit the breaks when I wasn't ready and I kind of shreaked!  She's been imatating that ever since!! HA!  She also says "Caillou says, Opps"!  She loves that!

So, that's the lastest for now.  I will try my best to update this more than a year at a time! :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

My little girl is growing up!

Wow! It's amazing at how much she's changed in just a few weeks! She rolled over from her back to her tummy the other day for the first time and PANICKED! :) Ha! It was so cute! She had been rolling around a lot and I knew it was going to happen soon. She loves her lights and melody floor mat! She loves the colors and the animals :)

She has been coo'ing a lot and you can see how bad she wants to talk! She smiles ALL the time for Daddy! They are in love with each other and it's so much fun to watch them together! :) She seems to really like monkey's and ducks! She's very flexible too, see!

Her smile just lights up a room and melts your heart! She's been sleeping through the night for quite a while which makes Mommy VERY happy! She's the best baby I could ever have!

I don't think I've ever been happier in my life!! She is truly the biggest blessing I've ever received!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My baby is 3 months already!

Alyssa turned 3 months yesterday, May 6th, which happens to be my birthday too! :) She is really starting to grow - she is now 11 pounds, 13 ounces! She has an appetite like her Daddy! ha!

We had her Dedicated at church on April 20th which was just wonderful. Here's some pictures for you to enjoy!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Some Pictures!

Proud Daddy!

Proud Mommy!

Not sure about baths! Ha!



She was born on Feb. 6th at 6:04 PM! She weighed in at 8 pounds, 13 ounces and 20 inches long! She is a precious gift from God and we are truly blessed!

It was quite an experience for me. I was scheduled to be induced so I went to the hospital on Tues. February 5th around 8:00 pm. Andy and my sister Maria came with me.

I got settled and around 9:00 pm they gave me a pill to help ripen the cervix and get contractions started. About an hour later I had pains in my back. Oh and I got the IV put in, talk about OUCH! Yeah - anyhow, as each hour passed, the pain was getting worse. Maria left around 12:00 and Andy and I went to sleep around 12:30. By 2:00 am I was in a lot of pain and got up and rang for the nurse. She gave me something she called a "cocktail" so that the pain wasn't so bad so I could get some sleep. At 6:00 am a team came in to put some kind of "balloon" to help me dilate - yeah, I won't even get into how much pain THAT was! I can still feel it if I really think about it. By 9:00 am I was in AGONY! I was crying and Dr. Bailey walked in and said "I think you are ready for an epidural" Um, YEAH, I'd say so! ha! That hurt like a, well you know ~anyhow, after that, NOTHING! No pain- it was just WAITING to dilate ~ well, I was having contractions constantly but NEVER EVER DILATED! By 5:00 pm that day, Dr. Bailey came in and said I had a couple options ~ unhook everything that was in me and let me go home and come back the following week and do it all over again, OR get a c~section. Well, after all that I said "Let's go, get this baby out!" So after some preparation and scrubbing up, they started the procedure which was SO fast! Of course I was out of it with all the drugs in me but it was really amazing. I remember some of the conversation that took place, definitely talked about Grey's Anatomy which was funny!

When Dr. Bailey said "It's a girl" all I could shout was "Thank You Jesus! Alyssa Rose is here" and I looked at Andy and asked if he was OK that she was a girl cause I know he wanted a boy. He was in love the second he saw her! He is overjoyed!!

She is now 3 weeks and 1 day old! It's been overwhelming but the most wonderful experience a woman could ever have. I can't believe she is here and that I am a Mommy!! She doesn't cry much ~ only when hungry, needs a diaper change which she doesn't even cry much during that because she's so busy staring at a big black and white bear we have in her crib! She loves Mr. Bear! :)

So there she is folks ~ she's here and we couldn't be more grateful for Alyssa! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just about time!

Wow, mid January is here! Hard to believe I started this blog a year ago and here I am in my last stages of pregnancy! Once again, I repeat myself in saying that this WHOLE entire experience has been nothing but a blessing! I give the Lord ALL the praise and glory for such a wonderful pregnancy. No worries almost 99% of the time! :) Now that I am down to the wire, I have to say a little bit of anxiety is working it's way in, only because I don't know what I am in for once I go into labor, but my trust is in the Lord so, I have to let go of that little anxiety and know God is in control and I will get through it.

I had a couple of Baby Showers that were such a blessing. Funny how when you feel like you really don't have a lot of friends, how many you really do have and are blessed to have them in your life. Especially when you move, not to far, but even so, they go the extra mile for you to make your shower special! I can't thank my sister-in-law Laurie, my sister Maria, and Roseanne enough for hosting wonderful showers and my friend Paula for helping out with both! Everyone that attended either of these are truly a blessing and I cherish each and every one of them.

I am officially done with work now and I'm really glad because I've been having lower back pain, a little bit of trouble sleeping (yeah I know, enjoy it now because soon I will be sleep deprived!) and my thumbs are killing me and the numbness in both hands are really bothering me! I pray that goes away soon! The baby has been moving SO much these last few days, I feel like there's a relay race going on in my tummy! HA! I guess I have a runner coming my way, hope I can keep up! :)

I cannot wait until our angel arrives! I am so exited to see what the Lord has blessed us with and am ready for creating memories with this child :) I can't wait to introduce "baby" to all my family and friends in the coming months too! This is going to be one of the biggest blesssings in my life and I so look forward to being the best Mommy I can be - that goes for Daddy too! It's so awesome to see Andy so excited for such a time as this!! He's going to be a great Dad!
Once again, thank you for reading this, and for looking at my picture only since I'm sure you are all like, "Um c'mon Vick, stop being the camera hog and lets get some pictures of your baby on here! ":) I am so excited about getting pictures of baby"who" on here, believe me! So, this will be my last blog until baby arrives, deal? :)